Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What Does The Original Hiv Rash Look Like

Reformer Pilates to improve posture - Spine 1 (kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis)



SPINE 1 (kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis)

is not correlated with vertebral column 2

(you can first attend either training)

The pain caused by alterations in the vertebral column is a very common disease in the general population, we could speak today of millions of people suffering from back pain. Eight out of ten people may have back pain at some point in their lives and usually occur between 30 and 50.
causes of back pain are multiple and it is important to understand the need to adopt correct posture habits and lifestyle to adapt to prevent the aforementioned discomfort. The Instructor must possess solid knowledge that will allow to indicate the appropriate therapeutic physical training, all those people suffering from these diseases.

ATTENTION: for the realization of this specialization must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution.

is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.

OBJECTIVE: preparing to coach in the scientific and technical support for the correct application of the art Pilates reformer with people who have minor illnesses column (kyphosis, lordosis or scoliosis), in order to improve poor posture and relieve pain back.


  • remember anatomical and biomechanical spine: agonist and antagonist muscles.
  • reins Reins corrective and disfiguring.
  • intervertebral discs. Function. Importance of their care.
  • postural analysis and assessment of the student. Muscle balance.
  • Observation at different levels of the current position. Differences in the ideal position.
  • Indications and contraindications according to pre-existing pathology.
  • deviation of the spine in the frontal plane scoliosis.
  • deviation of the spine in the sagittal plane, kyphosis, lordosis.
  • healthy postural habits.
  • proprioceptive Instructor job.
  • biomechanical analysis and detailed understanding of the exercises are not recommended.
  • Election appropriate exercises, with their specific indications for work in the reformer in relation to each disease.

participation certificates will be awarded.
Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.
To request more information go straight to:

BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training Courses and Specialization Pilates instructors.


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