COLUMNA VERTEBRAL 2 (lumbalgias, cervicalgias y hernias de disco)
No es correlativo con Columna vertebral 1
(se puede asistir primero a cualquiera de las dos capacitaciones)
El dolor producido por alteraciones en la columna vertebral es una afección very common in the general population, we could speak today of millions of people suffering from back pain. Eight out of ten people may have back pain at some point in their lives and usually occur between 30 and 50. The causes of back pain are multiple and it is important to understand the need for proper postural habits and lifestyle to adapt to prevent the aforementioned discomfort. The coach must have solid knowledge to enable it to indicate the proper physical training, all those who suffer from this problem.
ATTENTION: for the completion of this course must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution.
is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.
OBJECTIVE: preparing to coach in the scientific and technical support for the correct application of the art Pilates reformer with people who have minor illnesses spine (low back pain and neck pain) to improve poor posture and relieve pain.
- functional anatomical review of the cervical region and shoulder girdle.
- Origins of neck pain. Headache, paresthesia.
- cervical disc herniation.
- Sobrecargas para el tren superior. Stress.
- Posturología aplicada: posturas y actitudes.
- Hipo e hiper movilidad.
- Plano respiratorio y su relación con la cintura escapular y columna cervical.
- Repaso anátomo funcional de la región lumbar.
- Orígenes del dolor lumbar.
- Hernias discales lumbares. Dolores irradiados a miembro inferior.
- Ciatalgia.
- Relación con el aparato respiratorio y visceral.
- Posturología aplicada. Ergonomía de la posición sitting and bipedal.
- healthy postural habits.
- biomechanical analysis and detailed understanding of the exercises are not recommended.
- Election appropriate exercises, with their specific indications for work in the reformer in relation to each disease.
Dictated by the BA in Kinesiology and Physiatry Daniel Marvaso and professional staff of Conscious Body.
be given certificate of participation.
Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.
To request more information go straight to:
BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training courses and specializations Pilates instructors.
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