Friday, March 30, 2007

Gpsphone Toggle Cheats Pokemon

Pilates Reformer 2 - Advanced Training Course


"advanced level" Space is limited
max. 12 students.

Cuerpo Conciente - Seminario avanzado de reformer

Cuerpo Conciente - Seminario avanzado de reformer

ATTENTION: for the realization of this course, students must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer " in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution.
must have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our
"notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.
To ensure compliance with the objectives, space is limited to a maximum of 12 participants. Each student in the seminar, work on a Reformer and may conveniently experiencing the potential of this new personalized training paradigm.


  • Ethics and Pilates instructor responsibilities.
  • coach Capabilities: m ission, rapport and leadership. Calibration.
  • Awareness.
  • brief review of key concepts: neutral position of the pelvic girdle stabilization, alignment, breathing and postural care.
  • Reading
  • basic test Postural and muscle shortening.
  • biomechanical analysis and detailed understanding of the exercises are not recommended.
  • Armed with a different class, and routines, according to training goals.
  • methodology, duration and method of the class.
  • advanced module exercises and their variations.

CLIP FROM course "advanced" upper
work in the reformer

be given certificate of participation.
Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.
To request more information go straight to:

BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training Courses and advice.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Music Sheet For Fireflies By Ron Pope

Method Pilates Trapeze (Cadillac) and Wall Unit (Wall Unit) Course


If you come some time working on the Reformer, we invite you to discover the possibilities of training that gives you the Trapeze and Wall Unit.

Animate to work in circuit with several teams and give greater dynamism and versatility to your classes!.

Cuerpo Conciente

ATTENTION: to carry out this course, students must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed some level Pilates Reformer similar at another institution.

is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics ." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to enlarge the content that will work in our seminars for trainers.


  • Ethics and Pilates instructor responsibilities.
  • Detailed description of each part of the trapezius and the wall unit.
  • Differences between trapeze aldotone, Reformer with trapeze, wall unit and springboard.
  • primary and supplementary equipment.
  • brief review of key concepts: neutral position of the pelvic girdle stabilization, alignment, breathing and postural care. Working
  • circuit with several teams. Benefits and drawbacks.
  • circuit What should I build?.
  • Dynamics and pedagogy classes with the trapeze and the wall unit.
  • Detailed understanding of the exercises are not recommended.
  • Roadmap. Armed with a different class, and routines, according to training goals.
  • Exercises specific adaptations and variations.

    cuerpo conciente

be given certificate of participation.
Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.
To request more information go straight to:

BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, Trapeze and circuit - Courses and training and refresher seminars.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What Does The Original Hiv Rash Look Like

Reformer Pilates to improve posture - Spine 1 (kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis)



SPINE 1 (kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis)

is not correlated with vertebral column 2

(you can first attend either training)

The pain caused by alterations in the vertebral column is a very common disease in the general population, we could speak today of millions of people suffering from back pain. Eight out of ten people may have back pain at some point in their lives and usually occur between 30 and 50.
causes of back pain are multiple and it is important to understand the need to adopt correct posture habits and lifestyle to adapt to prevent the aforementioned discomfort. The Instructor must possess solid knowledge that will allow to indicate the appropriate therapeutic physical training, all those people suffering from these diseases.

ATTENTION: for the realization of this specialization must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution.

is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.

OBJECTIVE: preparing to coach in the scientific and technical support for the correct application of the art Pilates reformer with people who have minor illnesses column (kyphosis, lordosis or scoliosis), in order to improve poor posture and relieve pain back.


  • remember anatomical and biomechanical spine: agonist and antagonist muscles.
  • reins Reins corrective and disfiguring.
  • intervertebral discs. Function. Importance of their care.
  • postural analysis and assessment of the student. Muscle balance.
  • Observation at different levels of the current position. Differences in the ideal position.
  • Indications and contraindications according to pre-existing pathology.
  • deviation of the spine in the frontal plane scoliosis.
  • deviation of the spine in the sagittal plane, kyphosis, lordosis.
  • healthy postural habits.
  • proprioceptive Instructor job.
  • biomechanical analysis and detailed understanding of the exercises are not recommended.
  • Election appropriate exercises, with their specific indications for work in the reformer in relation to each disease.

participation certificates will be awarded.
Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.
To request more information go straight to:

BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training Courses and Specialization Pilates instructors.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Muscle Behind Knee Hurts After Snowboarding

Course Reformer Pilates for pregnant women (pre and postpartum)


During pregnancy significant changes occur in the posture of the mother, which can cause various ailments and a misalignment in different body parts. The practice of Pilates reformer in improving cardiovascular fitness and muscular, postural correction favoring and avoiding excessive weight gain, which provide the pregnant a better overall fitness. The exercises on the Reformer, provide an ideal preparation for the body and mind, before delivery and play an important role in the rapid postpartum recovery.

ATTENTION: for the realization of this course, students must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed some level similar to Pilates Reformer at another institution.
is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our
"notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.

OBJECTIVE: prepare professional technical and scientific area for the correct application of the art Pilates reformer during pregnancy (pre and post delivery). Have specific ideas about the physiology of pregnancy, to choose at each stage of the most desirable type of training according to each physical ability.

Cuerpo Conciente


  • remember anatomical and biomechanical spine.
  • Anatomy and physiology of pregnancy.
  • Indications and contraindications for physical activity during pregnancy. Behavior
  • skeletal muscle: biomechanical changes.
  • postural assessment.
  • risks of exercise during pregnancy.
  • brief review of key concepts: position neutral pelvic girdle stabilization, alignment, breathing and postural care.
  • Biomechanical analysis of each muscle group involved in each exercise performed.
  • postural habits healthy pregnant women.
  • proprioceptive Instructor job.
  • methodology, duration and method of the class.
  • Election appropriate exercises, with their specific indications work with pregnant women in the reformer.

be given certificate of participation.

Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.

To request more information go straight to:

3D animation of a natural birth

BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training Courses and especilaización para instructores de Pilates.

7 Up And Captain Morgan

Training Course in Pilates Reformer for SPINE 2 (Lower back pain, cervical pain and herniated disk)

COLUMNA VERTEBRAL 2 (lumbalgias, cervicalgias y hernias de disco)

No es correlativo con Columna vertebral 1
(se puede asistir primero a cualquiera de las dos capacitaciones)

dolor de cuello

El dolor producido por alteraciones en la columna vertebral es una afección very common in the general population, we could speak today of millions of people suffering from back pain. Eight out of ten people may have back pain at some point in their lives and usually occur between 30 and 50. The causes of back pain are multiple and it is important to understand the need for proper postural habits and lifestyle to adapt to prevent the aforementioned discomfort. The coach must have solid knowledge to enable it to indicate the proper physical training, all those who suffer from this problem.

ATTENTION: for the completion of this course must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution.
is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our
"notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.

hernias de disco

OBJECTIVE: preparing to coach in the scientific and technical support for the correct application of the art Pilates reformer with people who have minor illnesses spine (low back pain and neck pain) to improve poor posture and relieve pain.


  • functional anatomical review of the cervical region and shoulder girdle.
  • Origins of neck pain. Headache, paresthesia.
  • cervical disc herniation.
  • Sobrecargas para el tren superior. Stress.
  • Posturología aplicada: posturas y actitudes.
  • Hipo e hiper movilidad.
  • Plano respiratorio y su relación con la cintura escapular y columna cervical.
  • Repaso anátomo funcional de la región lumbar.
  • Orígenes del dolor lumbar.
  • Hernias discales lumbares. Dolores irradiados a miembro inferior.
  • Ciatalgia.
  • Relación con el aparato respiratorio y visceral.
  • Posturología aplicada. Ergonomía de la posición sitting and bipedal.
  • healthy postural habits.
  • biomechanical analysis and detailed understanding of the exercises are not recommended.
  • Election appropriate exercises, with their specific indications for work in the reformer in relation to each disease.

Dictated by the BA in Kinesiology and Physiatry Daniel Marvaso and professional staff of Conscious Body.

be given certificate of participation.
Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.
To request more information go straight to:

BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training courses and specializations Pilates instructors.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pierced Womens Nipples

Course Pilates Reformer and Trapeze for seniors


Increased life expectancy is very important in our population, this increases the presence of older people in our Pilates classes. According to research in developed countries, the sector will fall 15 to 44 years, while the population aged 45 to 64 and 65 and older increased by 26% and 71% respectively.
classes for our seniors, require specific treatment, according to their needs and capabilities. The exercises on the Reformer and the Trapeze, provide an ideal preparation for the body and mind, respecting individual differences through a method and apparatus created and adapted specifically for this sector of the population.

ATTENTION: for the realization of this course, students must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution. It is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical, you will expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.

OBJECTIVE: improve the health potential of older adults from the correct application of the art Pilates on the Reformer and Trapeze. Designing the type of individual training more convenient, according to each physical ability, taking into account the precautions and contraindications for work with older people.


  • Features elderly.
  • Main syndromes geriatric.
  • Factors affecting functional capacity.
  • physical capabilities to be developed.
  • March and instability.
  • Main pathologies that affect functional performance: osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  • approach methodologies.
  • Assessment, planning and testing.
  • Pilates technical contributions of the 3 rd age.
  • Exercises adapted in the Reformer and Trapeze.
  • Election appropriate exercises, with specific instructions to work on the Reformer and Trapeze with older adults.

Dictated by the BA in Kinesiology and Physiatry Daniel Marvaso and professional staff of Conscious Body.

be given certificate of participation.

Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.

To request more information go straight to:

BODY AWARE - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes in custom reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training Courses and advice.

Cost Of Owning A Cayman

Course Pilates Reformer and Trapeze to work

If you were taught ...
abdominal exercises and work the psoas ....
exercises for glutes and quads work ....
with the "One Hundred" only work your abs ....
is not will be time to analyze biomechanically that exercise works every muscle group, to assign the correct exercise the muscle group chosen?.

¿como trabajamos el abdomen cuando hacemos el cien?

ATTENTION: for the realization of this course, students must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer another institución.Es necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.

The primary objective is to examine in detail the biomechanical function of the muscles of the hip retroversores their mechanical performance and the practical applications that occur in each specific movement. We have emphasized in-depth analysis of specific exercises for the abs and glutes work.


  • brief review of key concepts: neutral position of the pelvic girdle stabilization, alignment, breathing and postural care. Muscle
  • balancing the pelvis. Action retroversora muscle.
  • Biomechanical considerations for proper abdominal work. Actions
  • as the fixed point.
  • How to work your abs when I do the hundred?.
  • How to work the abdomen with the board of jumping or diving board?. Working
  • abdominal the Reformer vs. abdominal work in the Trapezium.
  • Biomechanics of the hip. Actions
  • as the fixed point.
  • How to work glutes, quadriceps without work?.
  • Working buttocks on the Reformer vs. buttocks work in the Trapezium.
  • Detailed understanding of the exercises are not recommended.
  • Armed with a different class, and routines, according to training goals.
  • Specific exercises and variations to work abs and buttocks.

¿trabajo el gluteo o trabajo el cuadriceps?

certificate of attendance will be given.

Space is limited, make your pre-registration by mail in advance.

To request more information go straight to:

BODY CONSCIOUS PILATES - Custom Classes Reformer Pilates, trapeze and circuit - Courses training and counseling.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bulk Chicken Wings Chicago

abdominal and buttocks injuries Prevention reformer. Anatomy, biomechanics and common sense reasoning

Pilates exercises on the Reformer

This seminar is specially designed for the instructor to "sharpen its discretion" and remove all doubt about how they should be executed correctly and aware, major exercises on the Reformer.

Anatomía y justificación biomecánica de los ejercicios no recomendados del Método Pilates

The Biomechanics is the body of knowledge, using the laws of physics and engineering, describes the movements made by different body segment and forces acting on these same parties, during normal activities of daily living. Through a detailed biomechanical analysis, we have a better understanding of the activities and exercises used during Pilates class, preventing all types of injuries and improve the comprehensive performance of a conscious student.

ATTENTION: for the realization of this course, students must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution .
is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.
The primary objective of this seminar is to examine in detail the operation of the major muscles and body segments their physiological performance, mechanical and practical applications that occur in a specific movement. Because the field of biomechanics is so broad, we turn to only perform the analysis of the key exercises and movements that we use daily in the reformer and some in the Trapezium. We have emphasized in the analysis thorough exercises that consider "injurious" addressing scientific justification.
This seminar will be presented in a didactic and comprehensible, to be understood by anyone with basic knowledge in disciplines such as anatomy and physiology.
  • Theoretical Aspects.
  • axes and planes.
  • description of the movement. Terminology.
  • range of motion.
  • center of gravity and stability.
  • Body Levers.
  • muscle and joint actions in motion.
  • Types of muscle contraction.
  • exercises recommended and not recommended, as the physical fitness of students.
  • detailed analysis, with the mode of "Athenian" , major exercises in the reformer and some on the trapeze.
"This is not a course designed for those who like to copy and repeat exercises indiscriminately, is intended for anyone instructor want to create your own exercises, based on a scientific basis. "

Analisis biomecánico del Método Pilates

Dictated by Daniel Marvaso BA in Kinesiology and Teacher Corps Staff Aware.

certificate of attendance will be given.
Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.
To request more information go straight to:
BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training Courses and advice.

Canon Flatbed Scanner Driver Vista

Design and Planning functional routines reformer training, tailored to every fitness

Si ...
  • I bought the DVD trucho and began to copy exercises like crazy, without any foundation, or planning .. .
  • If you were taught in training that did, only exercises and do not explain the "to" each of them, or like putting a logic functional training the student .
  • your classes are still the type group, where everyone is doing the same exercises, at the same time, with the same reps and even with the same intensity of loading ...
  • Das the same exercises men than women, a sedentary to athletes ...
  • work without knowing what it means to practice the Pilates Method Functional, injury prevention ...

sure this course will interest you ...

ATTENTION: to perform This course requires successful completion of the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer in another institución.Es necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.


Learn to design functional routines tailored to each condition and to plan and evaluate results over time.


  • What is functional training of the Pilates Method?.
  • General objectives of functional training.
  • Principle of individuality.
  • vs Group Classes. custom classes.
  • class as a diagnostic test. Functional assessment of the student.
  • postural analysis and basic tests of muscle shortening.
  • Design class test for shortening and weaknesses.
  • Work force vs. resistance. Hypertrophy.
  • Muscle static and dynamic.
  • muscle chains. Muscular imbalance.
  • concentric and eccentric work.
  • difference in the workplace for men and women, sedentary and sportsmen.
  • How to balance a training routine?.
  • training objectives.
  • Training Plan.
  • Planning short, medium and long term.
  • student assessment.

certainly know the exercise of the picture and I guess I've practiced on many occasions .... but you got to think ... Who really needs to do it this way? ... anyone can do it, preventing injuries? ... you know that muscles are stretched and which are likely contraction? ...

Who said "all" have to do the same exercises, at the same time and with the same repetitions? ... wondered if "functional " Student work this way?. Where was that of reformer pilates classes are personalized ...

Is it not time to start designing a training "functional" for each student that meets your real needs postural and that focuses on achieving results in the short term? ...

certificate of attendance will be given.
Space is limited, make your entry via mail in advance.
To request more information go straight to:

Conscious Body Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training Courses and advice.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Different Forms Of Dysautonomia

Course Reformer Pilates Method for Improving Flexibility + fisiobalones complementary work (esferodinamia)


incorporated in this course work " esferodinámia "with fisiobalones as complemetario to work flexibility training on the Reformer.
Additional forms of stretching and relaxation fisiobalones to do before, during and after the session is complete Pilates reformer, trapeze or circuit.

Felicitaciones!! KARINA WASSERMAN Campeona Mundial de formas en la categoría 4to. Dan, en Quebec 2007. Grande Kary!!!!!

OBJECTIVE: preparing to coach in the scientific and technical support for the correct application of the art Pilates on the Reformer, designed to improve range of motion, relieve tension and create different muscle chains in the student body awareness.

ATTENTION: for the realization of this course, students must have completed the "Basic Level Reformer" in Body Conscious, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution. It is necessary to have "basic knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics." If you never trained in Body Conscious, we ask that you enter and read carefully, the section of our "notes and notes" . In this section you will find the basis and theoretical foundations that will serve to expand and cool, the content will work in our seminars for trainers.


  • Structure and properties of muscle.
  • benefits and advantages of the flexibility.
  • Participation of tendons, ligaments and fascial stretching and movement.
  • Muscular Chains. Static and dynamic muscles.
  • types of stretching techniques.
  • analytical and chain stretching.
  • postural analysis and basic tests muscle shortening.
  • Age and Sex in the development of flexibility.
  • times and repetition to increase flexibility.
  • Recommended exercises for major muscle shortening.
  • Recommended exercises to relax the spine.
  • Demonstration and analysis of each year in the reformer.
  • esferodinámia supplementary job with additional forms
    fisiobalones reformer and trapeze, stretching and relaxation with fisiobalones to do before, during and after completion of the Pilates session.

Elongacion con fisiobalones

Dictated by Mr. Daniel Marvaso Kinesiology and the professional staff of Conscious Body.

be given certificate of participation.
Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.
dirigite To request more information a:
BODY CONSCIOUS - Method Pilates - Pilates Classes Custom Reformer, trapeze and circuit - Training Courses and advice.