know that while the scholarships we provide to minimum conditions to study, do not allow that we can all exercise our right to study and live in dignity and equality. For that simple reason is required profound changes to the education system as a whole. The only way is with a massive and ongoing student movement is not limited only to the specific problem of the scholarships.
why we view with suspicion the way we are conducting, as always, from top: The CONFECH only timidly raised to be "restructure the system of scholarships", to which the right and they responded by saying agree with that (but in the sense of restricting them and make things worse).
It seems then that is urgent to define our specific demands on scholarships and raise them in the short term for addressing a topic that can no longer wait.
Ahora, para "recuperar la educación pública" la CONFECH vuelve a cometer el error de pensar que marchando una vez cada dos semanas por calles donde nadie nos ve podremos generar una presión efectiva al gobierno. Frente a esto, los estudiantes no podemos ser pasivos y seguir cual rebaño las ocurrencias de las iluminadas dirigencias,sino que actuar organizada y creativamente para tomar el conflicto en nuestras propias manos.
En Sociales hemos discutido y hemos mostrado voluntad de movilizarnos, pero aún nos falta actuar de acuerdo a la urgencia y gravedad del problema. Queremos que este año, el movimiento estudiantil sólo no sume a un grupo de compañeros que se quedaron sin sus becas, sino también overcome specific schedule demonstrations of the CONFECH and raise a determined and sustained mobilization.
welcome the initiatives being developed by the Campus Coordinator, the task force and movement that is rising in social psychology fellow and all initiatives that each of our partners takes place.
We are all necessary for the government's hand to stop him!
What no one left without a scholarship!
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