(Official Strategy) There is agreement in the market that the Luksic Group, which owns Quiñenco through a box of U.S. $ 2,047 million, will continue to provide surprises. And in that sense, is not expected to be happy with the purchase of Shell, he wants to be a big actor in the business of fuel distribution, and therefore are known to be a serious candidate to buy assets Copec Terpel Chile, and thus left with a share of 31% after the Angelini group has a 63%. Also in the market betting that the group eventually take majority control Vapor, and even buy another shipping, because you need size to compete in this business, and it would also be a matter of time returning to the business of retail, with a possibility to launch a bid for or buy The Polar Supermarkets in the South. And in the mining conglomerate of Croatian origin, the chief executive of Antofagasta Minerals, Marcelo Awad said, "Our financial position remains strong and we are well positioned to further substantial growth opportunities," considering that the group ended 2010 with net cash of $ 1,345 million euros. And in that sense, the conglomerate has embarked on a vigorous process of international expansion initiatives Pakistan (Reko Diq project, whose feasibility study was completed and submitted to the provincial government during the third quarter of 2010), and the United States through the purchase of Franconia Minerals which has three sites in northeastern Minnesota. In any case, in the Antofagasta mining world believe that an acquisition made in Latin America, appearing as possibilities Argentina and Peru, as well as partnerships with Codelco in Chile. to the Angelini Group, which has a liquidity of about U.S. $ 1,900 million, analysts estimate that it will focus on business growth in the pulp, and has announced a historic investment plan for 2011 of U.S. $ 1,200 million. For ello se prevé que, además del desarrollo del proyecto Montes del Plata que tiene junto a la sueco-finlandesa Stora Enso, el conglomerado podría realizar nuevas adquisiciones en Brasil, Uruguay y una arremetida mayor en Colombia, destacando que en el país cafetero también tienen el objetivo de ser un actor relevante en el negocio del gas licuado, para lo cual podrían comprar compañías. Los Matte, cuyas empresas en conjunto cuentan con una caja cercana a los US$2.160 millones, también tendría en la mira aumentar su masa forestal, apareciendo Brasil como un claro objetivo para adquirir bosques. De hecho, la compañía está realizando los estudios de ingeniería que busca determinar la ampliación Plant Guaíba in the State of Rio Grande do Sul More Retail In the retail area, Paulmann with Cencosud has a liquidity of $ 220 million, which would amount to a capital increase of up to U.S. $ 2,000 million . Here's betting analysts say the big "blow" the German would expand its supermarket operation in Brazil (Minas Gerais is) because until now only limited to the northeast. It is estimated that purchases could come in the next phase in the states of Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo, and it does not rule out that Mexico is facing. The Solari Group-Del Rio, hand, has a box of $ 245 million (only retail area) and an investment plan of U.S. $ 3,500 million for four years, does not consider acquisitions. And in that sense, the market versions indicate arrival in Brazil and Mexico in Latin America, but could even make the jump to Europe with a string of Spain or Italy. And locally, are expected to buy Tottus supermarket chains in the regions. In Group Said, who in their non-financial companies has a box around U.S. $ 390 million, the market rings loud that Edelpa would be to close an acquisition of a packaging company, and that the news would be released in the next day. In Park Arauco, meanwhile, would jump in large markets such as Brazil or Mexico, for which the group has already received proposals from international investors. In the case of Andina, analysts said the next step would be to Peru. In the case of power holding company Enersis (Endesa Spain), with a box of $ 2,160 million, must have significant resources committed as an investment plan worth nearly U.S. $ 6,000 million for the period 2011-2015, for countries in which it operates. Approximately U.S. $ 3,400 billion for distribution to U.S. $ 2,600 million to build. By country, Brazil will be about U.S. $ 1,950 million in Colombia U.S. $ 1,400 million in Chile U.S. $ 1,150 million, Argentina $ 900 million in Peru U.S. $ 600 million. However, these amounts are not considered projects in Colombia The Quimbo, HidroAysén, Neltume and The Condors in Chile, and Curibamba in Peru, among others, that if carried out would involve an additional amount of U.S. $ 3,500 million. Source / Strategy Journal |
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