Editor: On the civic ordinance unanimously approved by the full City Council, I would claim Concha Arribas:
Concha Querida, no one is hiding behind 'organizations'. We simply organized. However, I stand: I'm Isabel Cano and, like you, I am teaching. But just as a teacher, I find it untenable to say, as I heard, that the ordinance, based on prohibitions and sanctions, is an educational measure and for freedom. exhibit in particular case concerns me most as part of that society, without being in any political party, makes social policy. I am concerned that from now on we are required to take another step, and none other than police officers, for putting up posters in favor, for example, public education, or a chat. And besides, where are we going to hit if the ordinance 'protect' the public and private property visible from the street? Who protects my freedom to put a banner of 'No War' or the flag of the world? Do you have a policeman who approve of the message? also have to ask permission to collect signatures for the dead worker who wanted to pass by a thief and how it is judged whether or not I am obstructing the public highway. We organizations humble, very humble. Well you know. Is our claim? Create critically important issues. Also that you have knowledge, but with my 44 years that we have to hear a few "young quaint." Concha unwanted, are people looking for a civic participatory and just society, no need to control us because we do not do anything wrong. On the contrary. Is our sin? Can only be independence and paste 50 DIN-A3 black and white from time to time by the city to try to reach people, and collecting signatures. And you say: There are other ways to communicate with the public and claiming things. But I ask: What? Bowling disappeared and the media rarely give us voice. So. What do they want the ordinance? "Silence us? No?. Check at least. So where you see civility, I can not help but see no freedom. Honestly, if you are not able to change the ordinance forcefully on issues of freedom of expression and the criminalization of begging without more, to me is proof that you follow the maximum of politicking that "in the country of the telos, the score cut gives freedom." If this is your bet, I propose a step further: what about anti-terrorism law enforcement who threatens the civility with a "private lessons are given" on the streetlights? With hope and concern:
Ordinance peaceful coexistence: the shadows
The ordinance called for the Promotion of Peaceful Coexistence, adopted by the city of Logroño, contains a number of issues, at least, disturbing:
First of all this legislation attempts to settle, forcing its invisibility to those organizations whose initiatives often do not have space in the official media and from now will depend on the "goodwill" of the officer on duty was be good enough to "grant the right" to be putting up posters, distributing leaflets, or install information stands in the streets. Those who have dared to do any of these activities without the required permit, either because the event upon which they wish to inform requires a certain speed which prevents the corresponding application, either because the municipality refuses or simply does not want to answer on the request is risk a abultadas multas. La pregunta es: ¿será esta normativa de obligado cumplimiento para todos y todas, incluyendo teatros, comercios, sociedades deportivas, o los propios partidos políticos que la han aprobado o, por el contrario, las consecuencias del incumplimiento recaerán, cómo decirlo, a determinadas organizaciones, de una manera más «selectiva»? Por otro lado, bien harían las Asociaciones de Vecinos que ahora aplauden esta ordenanza en reflexionar lo que puede pudiera pasarles cuando alguna de sus legítimas reivindicaciones no encuentren eco en las autoridades municipales y pretendan movilizar al vecindario con materiales informativos. En segundo lugar, is deplorable treatment of begging. It is interesting to see how those implementing economic measures to bring unemployment, evictions, poverty or hunger directly strata increasingly large in our society now punishes precisely those same "collateral damage" of their policies. In short, its economic measures hit, their social programs demonstrate their uselessness, but applies a strong hand to his victims as beggars or people trying to make a living with maximum instability. What is the supposed "humanitarian voice" of the City Council and councilor of Social Rights, Pilar Criado, concerned in the same ordinance who destroys a lamppost or a tree, and who is forced to sleep on the street? Rhetorical question, because Ms. Criado also voted for the ordinance. Finally, the ordinance provides for the possibility of replacing the fines for "jobs for the community." This is already intolerable. Jobs are replaced by free labor, and thus profit from private companies subcontracted by the city of Logroño, some of which has, incidentally, convictions for violating workers' rights. Hopefully can impose some sanity and remove such aberrations. Time there.
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