We have all witnessed, in little over a year's passage Transantiago has risen from $ 400 for adults and $ 130 for students up to $ 540 for first and $ 180 for the latter. If we make the calculation, the increase has been close to 35% in one year, where "the new form of government" expressed in that for a family with two working parents (who earn the minimum wage) and three children study in secondary education and / or higher-ben spend a little more than a fourth of their income on public transportation (by about $ 80,000).
Students fight set a precedent of 2006, the year when we won the hand pass Pass School of Guilds minibus to a central body (JUNAEB), so the student ticket receives a grant from the State. However, for the Guilds this grant is not enough and in some regions have declared the intention of starting-yo Ma neglected on the NER and create a new student card for each re-gion specific to their profit interests and according to the logic local market.
Beyond the justifications that have been given by the increase or the creation of new 'school passes' the diagnosis is the same league as these transportation problems is the preservation economic interests of the business that profits from the transport (with the support of this-do), and how to address them is to overcome the technical discussions or cortoplacis-TAS fight for our right to recover all that we have taken: our education, our health, our looks jez and in this case, our ability to transport.

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