Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Abdomen Hurts To Laugh

training course

The training was initially used for acceleration and investigadopor the Soviet Union in the 60 to help Russian cosmonauts to combat the effects negative gravity in space. Years' time, the science of vibration was studied and lasinvestigaciones show benefits in muscle strength, flexibility, strength, bone density, circulation, recovery, etc..

Mechanical vibrations are transmitted to the body by the vibrating platform and generate reflex muscle response that causes involuntary contractions unencadenamiento continuous. Our cuerporeacciona to the force generated by the acceleration of the platform. This force is much higher than that obtained with a entrenamientotradicional, to the extent that the muscle solicitation is repeated 35 to 40 times per second. Moreover, as work is more intense, the sessions are shorter than those of traditional training, getting results faster.

The aim of our courses you learn Vibration Plate is a conscious gridding and preventing all types of injury, adapting the work to each of your students, as deaceleración this type of training offered by the platform ends up being harmful if properly dosed noestá time and encouragement.

Curso de Plataforma Vibratoria

Course Agenda:

  • marketing strategies for sedentary.
  • Myths and posed the vibration platform.
  • Benefits of mechanical vibrations.
  • absolute and relative contraindications of mechanical vibrations.
  • Mechanical vibration and health.
  • usage times, breaks and special accommodations.
  • parameters most suitable platform, depending on the purpose of the research.
  • class structure.
  • class model according to the job target.
  • diagnostic class.

    Practical use of the vibrating platform:
  • posture and work positions.
  • Stabilization in different working positions. Main concepts: axial elongation and central control, stabilization of the pelvic girdle and scapular alignment, breathing, posture and general care.
  • exercises and progressions in terms of selected muscle group.

certificate and will be given study notes

Space is limited, make your pre-registration via mail.

To request more information go straight to:


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