Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Victoria Secret Best Push Up


long since heard of MECESUP Bicentennial Undergraduate Reform. What's so terrible? Is what is still not clear and therefore we have not responded, despite having a year playing the role of guinea pig. Why? Because the reform is being designed here, in the words of "authorities", the more complex process that has been raised so far and therefore, we will reform the example of the University Undergraduate as to profiles / meshes competition and training is concerned.
Come by
. What is now enrolled in our School is a curriculum, which has invested more than a few million and that no teachers and no students have much knowledge. The heart of this design is a change in our profiles and meshes, in political orientation, overt or covert, of our careers and the roots of this innovation are easily traceable ... Bologna, Tuning, World Bank, insecurity ... all based undergraduate a spiraling mass of professionals available and the need to order the production of "human resources" according to labor market needs.

Claro está que queremos una facultad con un proyecto claro y coherente. Claro que queremos una Reforma de Pregrado, pero al servicio de Chile, su gente y sus problemáticas. Es necesaria una reforma que cuestione la mercantilización en la que caen nuestras disciplinas, la Universidad y toda la educación superior. Porque lo que hoy tenemos es solo un mecanismo más que permite al mercado colarse por los rincones de la Facultad y conquistar lo que único que falta: el sentido de nuestra formación.

Como miembros Plataforma Colectiva hemos trabajado durante el año desde distintos ángulos – carreras, asamblea de delegados, comisiones y UDEFE incluso- y nos preocupan varios puntos clave de este asuntoHasta el momento and without making much noise to avoid suspicion, the ones most forum for review of our careers are the ones we use today. This is not refutable by itself - we all are to be used at the time - what matters is the complete absence of an entire social world is directly affected by our work reempeño. . Are not there other key informants to define our disciplines?

Another important point is that the very concept of competition is not known and even less critically evaluated either by teachers or by us. Seem to forget that in Europe a process even less commercial than we provoked strong protests and questions from all the estates. Unfortunately, in the Faculty of Social Sciences, nothing and nobody is doing the weight to the skills base as a criterion for the design of our careers, TECNIFAN criterion that generates knowledge skills in undergraduate and the graduate-only school here is continuing education -.

As if this were not enough, the reform process does not work very well and technocracy is again unable to take charge of a process involving the meaning of education. The consultants, for example, have no knowledge of our disciplines, which has led to a series of misunderstandings and shallow assessment of the races. Of course, the fault does not is that consultants are technocrats, make their hits, the problem lies with the relevant actors outside the process compared with the low-no direct involvement of stakeholders, the ones who can give a really deep discussion: us. Needless

account of how self-assessment surveys are remarkably similar to those of the accreditation ... Questioning these instruments in minimally our disciplines? We still think a little beyond the parameters of quality that puts the state - and already more than clear, remarkably consistent with market needs.

AND NOW, WHAT WE DO Collective Platform

As we formed on the meaning of our training over the Draft Faculty does not exist and we aspire to build, together. In view of this we propose to make an Undergraduate Reform, but from our faculty. You need to stop and discuss key policy lines of this reform, we see the faces between profs and students and be able to define minimum criteria which is based on reform.

content is necessary to fill empty concepts that apparently only be charged when all cut consistency. It is necessary that our participation as students and scholars no longer merely informative and bureaucratic. We need to assume as political actors responsible for this process to be taken as an example for the University and lift positions. Let us not in the spaces just to "know what happens" and thus legitimize the process with pure silence ...

new disciplines become necessary for a new university and a new country ... What happens in a precedent Social more for a whole sense reform in Chile and so throughout higher education. Recall that a decree hovering at the University according to which there are 4 years for the implementation of reforms, do we sit wait?

The commodification of the direction of the University is taking hold in Social ... to project scenarios, let us by now.

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A proposal from the special income through equity quotas in the psychology department, access to our university and faculty and visibility had been discussed so far this year. The proposal, consisting of an over-quota for students from the three lowest income quintiles who have completed the last four years in a municipal school and obtain at least 600 points required by college for admission, was approved by the faculty council during the winter break, with the resolution of the same psychology majors expand their enrollment in 30 places for 2010 entry, 20 of these allocations of equity and 10 quotas Academic Excellence Scholarship (BEA). In that instance it was agreed that other races have at least 2 faculty equity quotas from 2010 onwards. However, quotas were rejected by steering equity, arguing that conflict with the internal rules of the university, without specifying that regulations or because there is this contradiction causes. At the moment it would be processed an agreement with municipalities in the metropolitan area to make possible a temporary income for this year.

In this becoming bureaucratic, students have adopted a passive attitude toward the problem of access to the University, limited only to assist and observe the development of the proposal of the psychology department. Problematization and the initiative taken by some scholars of the psychology department led by its director, the rest of the faculty so far has seen the issue as a matter of authorities and stakeholders involved.

The proposal of the department of psychology can be seen as a breakthrough, but it is important to keep in mind that it is an isolated measure comes only partly compensate for the commercialization and gentrification of higher education. Therefore, we can not pretend that the choice before us is installed as a real solution to the problem of access, although it is impossible to deny that is a concrete contribution to permit the admission of students who are currently excluded unfairly our university.
is why we must also consider the proposed equity quotas as an opportunity as students to discuss the problem of access, so that in the near future be able to develop our own proposal to be representative of our aspirations and solve definitely the social exclusion of higher education. Therefore, we should be able to take the discussion beyond the quota of equity, meaning that the discussion and the action starts here.

know that this problem is bigger and deeper than the increase in quotas in Psychology, larger than our power and our University, is a structural problem: inequality. We know that the PSU DISCRIMINATE by socioeconomic status and not by personal merit and would have us believe that a person with less than 600 points can not even apply for University of Chile. We know that unequal access to college is just a reflection of the inequities of our educational system and we know that this inequality is held by a company every year widens the gap between rich and poor.

know all this and yet many of us and our partners do not mind and it seems natural. Respond, perhaps without thinking about its implications, the discourse of academic excellence of this university. Paradoxically we pride when scores of closures increase our career. Thus the excellency becomes a fetish that often makes us forget the mission and vocation "public" any once had our university, at least one level of discourse. Respond to this speech without asking whether we really want to make education better for everyone and not just for a small privileged group. If you only want the elite to democratize, to be made a little more "diverse," as our president, our choice will be content with compensatory measures such as quotas for equity. If instead we want to challenge the discourse and practice of inequality in our education and our country, we must put aside this excellent when this is established as a segregationist discourse, arrogant and functional model, which transforms us into an uncritical group and gray which is transferred to the character of the disciplines studied and built. In short, excellence must be given at a university that provides its students and the country, not the socioeconomic status of those who enter it.

No scholarship, no quota and no special income equity can be broken with the gentrification of Chile as long as the requirement of 600 points to apply. That is why our horizon is equal access. Bet for them is vital to further discussion regarding access, involving the current proposals and preliminary fair-quota-seeking solutions that would jeopardize the structural inequality that affects the higher education system. In this sense, it is important to understand that the compensatory measures or wrongly called "positive discrimination" are more gimmicky than effective because they do not question the logic of a system under a false ideology of meritocracy reproduces relations of domination and exclusion across our entire society.

why it is so important that as students we can get the discussion on access to deepen and play in the other races of the faculty, we are able to generate proposals that effectively address the problem of social exclusion, and above all that we able to fly the banner of struggle the deselitización of our university so that our views are not in the air or get lost in the proceedings of a conference. Questions

Quality and Equity "are mutually exclusive terms?
Are the necessary compensatory measures or cash equal access?
How do we build a way to access to higher education that does not reproduce the inequalities of our society? Who should be able to go to college?
why the form of access to higher education has remained intact so far? Do we accept the current social nature of college access and mechanisms underpinning?
does the Access is an area of \u200b\u200bdispute and fighting since the students to move towards social transformation?
Do students "compete" on equal terms in the PSU or is it a tool of social discrimination?
Is it possible to solve the problem of access to higher education without addressing the educational disparities that exist in primary and secondary education?

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Much To Use Abreva

As most should know our faculty is working on a project MECESUP own topic focused mainly on curriculum innovation, namely the installation of a reform of the Pre-degree change, our mesh, and their career profiles. But that is far in its original idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we might aspire as public university.

MECESUP is constantly evaluated to see their progress in our faculty the process is well behind and it seems that the matter has not made much progress. On the one hand there is no consensus to implement the "recipes" that we intend to install this project, nor has there been a collective discussion (among the various segments) on the future of our faculty. It is in this context that on Monday September 7 will be evaluated from the ministry to praise progress of the project, this is the "Mid Term Review" and visit the power barons of the project and the ministry.
community has not been told anything and apparently would have to show progress of various processes that have been brewing in college. We must remember that Decanatura pompously announced a few months ago MECESUP advances, the advent of computers and other supplies, but did not say anything about our disciplines. What worked Monday 7? What progress displayed Friend, director of MECESUP and undergraduate school of our faculty?

Students, faculty and staff have not yet fully discussed the projects that we want for our disciplines, there are races that have not advanced our faculty also has opened a debate on this. We therefore need to not only let's stop right ears on what's happening today, but also take a more active role. MECESUP aims to reform our faculty, but they already have a plan worked out of our university, we can not stand idly by, we must take a stand and put on the table.

We must demand that our faculty no longer has this role as passive, which seems content to show the black dye with a clear management; do not want an undergraduate reform a pint of entrepreneurs (the funding is for obvious competitive external mandates has to be applied in our ability and try to implement a competency model that attempts adjust to the best of our disciplines to the market.), but the service of Chile and the people. Why not consult other stakeholders on what should be a university and a public school? Do the same students, workers, neighbors, or indigenous peoples have nothing to say? Comrades

s must take the bull by the horns: The address should be reported immediately MECESUP what to say at this meeting next Monday, what progress and what will the whole process should not be hide information! We must also put a spin on these discussions, take the lead in discussion and action from our own space and begin to propose different ways for a faculty, but not like those above, but we build the various university bodies with a clear conviction of transforming this country and this society.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How To Make Mochi By Bread Machine


On Wednesday and Thursday not to go home

As you may have read by mail , or perhaps a pamphlet or poster, Wednesday and Thursday will relieve us of activities curriculum from 12:00 to 18:00 hrs., giving us an important opportunity to organize and discuss based on the themes that touch us today as students. Already opened the discussion regarding access, is the opportunity to deepen and advance a clear and firm position as students.

We propose the context of the "National Education Congress, good body in theory but in practice is done by the usual suspects and their measurement. The political leaders know that the party FECH already arranged before play and legitimize a democratic makeup looks easy. Not enact or with bureaucracies, or patches that try to impose by above political agendas far removed from the profound changes that need our faculty and our education. But they profess, and with enough conviction, the need to reconstitute as actors, so that it can mobilize to sign the cards on the table: We want better education, and this is built from now, of all and the day day. Beyond

artificial bodies, supported by the same political machinery, it is necessary that we go build on our strength as students, and the discussion is the first step to doing. We must take advantage and give our own content these days (despite their limitations), to discuss and openly raise and addresses our opinion.

We want to build real processes. That is why from Platform Collective call on colleagues to attend faculty meetings and race to be held on Thursday after 12 hrs. to initiate a deeper discussion on access and reform of undergraduate, cross-cutting themes careers of our faculty and university, on which students must position ourselves politically.

How should our disciplines, which are not only instruments of contemplation, but to take action, engage with our country and its necessary changes? How we prevent our nets from deepening market criteria, apply these to public education? How do we achieve equal access beyond what has been proposed as solutions? Are there enough places in the race to solve the issue of access? How does it affect our training and development of our disciplines in general the social composition of students? Is it a desirable goal increased PSU scores of students entering careers in the power, as sostienten our authorities?

Monday, May 25, 2009

How Do You Find A Rainbow Puffle

Proposed training in Body Conscious Pilates

Cuerpo Conciente

We ask that you take a reasonable time to read carefully
"whole" contents of this blog,
as you will find most answers to questions
that you'll be making sure

If you choose to join our proposal training instructors aware of the Pilates Method , inform you that it is formed by:

- Training Modules " indispensable" (aimed at beginners in learning the Pilates Method Equipment) .

- Modules " specialization and improvement" (aimed at Pilates instructors who already have prior training and work experience, work in Mat , reformer, trapeze or circuit equipment).

These modules you can study the two types of training: individual or group.

individual mode:
this regular training, is attended Monday to Friday and be individual, you can begin at the time of the year that you choose. It is specially designed for professionals not have prior knowledge of the Pilates Method. Another benefit of this type of training is that training schedules and observation, will adapt to each Instructor posibiliadades time.

group mode: this type of group training is aimed at professionals who possess previous training or Pilates Instructor in activity not safe to be working correctly with the technique . It is specially designed for continue with the learning and development of the Pilates Method. Is intensive and is based solely on Saturdays in one day.

Both types are offered throughout the year as Conscious Body Pilates, specialized and dedicated to delivering courses Pilates Method as "exclusive." Unlike most places that offer training in many different techniques, principles and modalities of work that in many cases even opposed. This ensures the level and depth of our trainings, "will teach you not only to use the beds of Pilates, you will provide the scientific and technical foundation of each exercise during each training to practice " , to ensure comprehensive training, which will enable desempeñarte professionally in working with heterogeneous groups of students.

Specialize in the Pilates Method oriented health improvement and quality of life, advantage of the vast experience and background that Conscious Body Pilates has made so many years of research, updating and development of technology.

Conscious Body Mission

BODY CONSCIOUS PILATES - training and development courses for instructors in Pilates Mat, Reformer, trapeze and circuit equipment.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Best Shannon Whirry Movies

training modules in Body Conscious Pilates

We ask that you take a reasonable time to peruse
"all" the content of this blog,
as you will find most answers to questions
insurance will 're making

essential training modules Pilates Method for beginners:

- Pilates Reformer Level. individual or group training.
- Advanced Pilates Reformer. individual or group training.
- Refromer Pilates Super Advanced Level. We only group training. To achieve this specialization, you must have completed the Advanced Level module Reformer Instructor and be active.
- Pilates Trapeze (Cadillac) + Chair. individual or group training.
- Aldotone Pilates - Reformer with half trapeze (tower reformer). Just give training individual.
- Pilates Wall Unit (wall unit). Just give individual training.
- Pilates Chair . Just give individual training.

If you live inside the country, we can arm you individual training to custom fit your needs, to stay a few blocks from our study.

specialized and advanced modules Pilates Method, designed for instructors who already have prior training in Pilates
(these modules are taught exclusively in the group modality for our Physiotherapists, on Saturday in a day).

ATTENTION: for the completion of these majors must have completed Level 1 (basic) in Body Conscious Pilates Reformer, or proof of having completed a similar level of Pilates Reformer at another institution.

- Reformer Pilates to improve posture - Spine 1 (lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis). Is not correlated with Spine 2, it can take either first.
- Reformer Pilates to improve posture - 2 spine (lumbago, cervical pain and herniated disc). Is not correlated with Spine 1, you can take either first.
- Reformer Pilates for pregnant women (pre and post delivery).
- Preventing injuries in the Reformer. anatomy, biomechanics and common sense. Analysis of the main exercises in the Pilates reformer, for proper implementation and injury prevention.
- Flexibility training on the Reformer.
- Design and planning of functional routines tailored to each physical condition, the Reformer and Trapeze.
- Trapeze Pilates Reformer and for the elderly.
- Pilates equipment circuit. Functional training, tailored to each physical condition reformer, trapeze, chair and barrel.
Mat Pilates with elements (fisiobalones esferodinamia and balls of various sizes).
- Mat Pilates with elements (elastic bands and belts or ropes).
Communication skills for custom work pilates classes with equipment. (Coaching - NLP).

Every two months we repeated each training module,
for this reason we invite you to enter this blog regularly,
as we update with new dates every week

programs and dates of each the training you can find below
in this Blog.

Each training modules, deliver
study notes and attendance certificate.

For information you can write to
You can also call 011 - 4703-3558
or send a text message to 011-156-687-6704

work together to perpetuate this wonderful training technique conscious, from research and learning.
! Thank you for trusting in Conscious Body Pilates!